So, I’m sitting in the Sydney Qantas Business Lounge, with plenty of time until my connecting flight home, so I’ll recap the last few days.

From what people had to say my presentation went quite well. The script I worked from is now available online, and the slides will soon follow. As soon as I have updated the slides with the transcript I will upload them and update this post.

There were however plenty of excellent talks at the IASSIST Conference this year. Due to the theme there was an abundance of social networking talks, including the keynote speaker on Friday, and they all presented excellent angles on the same question: “How can we get more people interacting with our data better?”

I think this was a great take on where data and metadata agencies are heading, as as I have said before, due to the fact that the more we have people interacting with data agencies, and using the data and metadata they provide, the more relevant those agencies become. The fact there are so many agencies asking this question and working on their own solutions and are willing to share those ideas is a great step forward for open data.