For those of you not following my twitter feed, we got back from the snow yesterday. The weather was great, with snow on the first few days we were there, and then warming up over the week. It was kind of icy on the last two days, which contributed the majority of falls, almost exclusively by me. On Friday I had a bad fall and thought I had done some serious damage to my shoulder, but after a few days in a sling it was ship-shape again.

While we were over in Canberra, wife and I had a chance to look at some real estate in the Belconnen area for when we move over as part of the 2011 Graduate program with the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

For now, its back to work, and study, and code, etc… This semester should be a little lighter on my work load, especially with the wedding out of the way. So aside from uni/work code I should be able to continue active development on some of my personal projects. Namely, the DDI Classification Viewer and the Perl-Email-Twitter Gateway script. The latter of which got a serious test during the holiday, and may be rewritten in Python in the coming weeks.

Me on the snow

A victorious pose after shredding down the mountain!