So what is my first blog post in several weeks, on what is supposed to be a technical blog, is of a personal note, then after exams its back to the dry statistics.

In a few weeks I will be leaving Perth. I was offered and accepted a position in Canberra and will be moving over as soon as my exams finish.

My last exam, ever, is on November 18th, and with my wife moving over well before then to try and sign a lease before the rest of Canberra’s graduate intake shows up I will be leaving very shortly after.

However, there is a good note: before I go there is one last thing I want to do in Perth – be in a group that drink’s all 141 beers on offer at The Paddington Ale House.

So on Saturday the 20th of November, I am planning on going to the Paddington for lunch and staying until all 141 beers have been marked off the checklist. This can be done as group, so I am inviting anyone and everyone who wants to come along to help out and wish me good luck (or good riddance) as a last harrah before I go.

If you wish to come email me, or let me know about it on twitter.