EDDI has generated a lot of discussion around DDI, and one area that I have been most interested in and have been guiding discussions around is examining how to improve the DDI Alliance website. As the Web Maintenance Chair, it would be great to rest on my laurels and admit the Website is perfect and leave it at that.

However, it isn’t and I wont.

So throughout EDDI, I have been compiling a list of gripes and grumbles (as well as positive remarks and suggestions) regarding the website. In the new year I will be sending out a short survey to DDI Users looking at how people use the website, their issues (both positive and negative) and how they think the DDI Website should look in the future.

One main issue that will definitely be addressed as a part of this exercise is the lack of positive examples of DDI available on the web. The reason for this is that the survey itself, and all its metadata will be made available for people to download and study. This will not be an easy job, but I look forward to contacting researchers and developers across the DDI community to help piece this together and make improvements for everyone.